Okay well its been a while since an update but i've been flat out trying to blend the bodylines on this thing *which are really bad* the door gaps are all screwy on the left side because its had a huge hit in the front and the rear, some drama's here i need to talk to craig about.
Alot of work been put into the rear of the passengers side fender but its not quite ready for spray putty and guide coat (which will allow me to block down the panels before i put on the heavy primer coats and therefore minimise product thickness on the metal which will give it the sharp lines it should have not the dull shape it had when i got it with 4+ coats of paint on the metal. Here are some pictures just to give anyone following this an idea of what i've been doing recently... its slow going but its all in the prep... rushing at this stage would just ruin the finished job.
Im actually doing more hours per week then i would have been doing when i was doing rust repairs as i enjoy this part of the process, everything that happens now shapes the finished job.
images are back to front i uploaded them in the wrong order :S
The passenger doors coated with spray putty (2k polyester spray putty) and a guide coat (acrylic matt black) put on top of it to allow me to block sand and find any area's that need a touch up before the heavy coats of primer go on and it sits for 2 weeks (probably longer considering i'll have to do the other side once i finish this side.
just a picture showing the body lines as it stands at this early stage
Another pic showing the body lines
And yet another picture
And yet ANOTHER! picture
what it looks like before the spray putty goes on. you can get an idea of the amount of work in shaping the body at this early stage to give the finished product.