Wednesday, March 31, 2010

day 5

Okay well today had a slow start because I had to drive all the way to armadale to get my new Dura-Block kit so I can properly block sand a car this MASSIVE. nearly $200 for sanding blocks
Still all the pro's swear by them and i need something alot longer then a normal block to ensure we dont have any waves in our body.

I wrote a bunch more crap but stupid blog thing had a error and I cant remember what I wrote now so anyway the only important thing is TOMOROW the BOOT goes back in!

Durablock kit (7 piece) + roll of adhesive 220grit + Metal Teck for the window sills. - $300.

Finsihed rear patch for the passengers side quarter

Finished patch for the top of the passengers quarter.

sanded, preped and primed the rear of the fender , ready to seal tomorow.

Sanded preped and etch primed the metal area and normal primed the painted area of the bottom of the bonnet, ready to seal tomorow.